Error occurred while calling a service [GET /portals/content] => Error occurred while generating data of CMS Portals => Command find failed: Executor error during find command :: caused by :: Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit..find({ "$and" : [{ "SystemID" : "14124e6776864c6d8fb32525a6f38daa" }, { "RepositoryID" : "e7c0dc7a06414e4c839c417fb5066b99" }, { "RepositoryEntityID" : "1c670d8d8e1c44d3ad4853478a48b238" }, { "Status" : "Published" }, { "$or" : [{ "Tags" : /chính trị/i }, { "Tags" : /pháp luật/i }, { "Tags" : /kinh tế/i }, { "Tags" : /xã hội/i }, { "Tags" : /phát triển/i }, { "Tags" : /thể chế/i }, { "Tags" : /giá trị sống/i }] }, { "StartDate" : { "$lte" : "2024/04/20" } }, { "$or" : [{ "EndDate" : null }, { "EndDate" : { "$gte" : "2024/04/20" } }] }] }, { "_id" : 1 }).sort({ "StartDate" : -1, "PublishedTime" : -1 }).skip(2166).limit(6) => Command find failed: Executor error during find command :: caused by :: Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit..
Correlation ID: ef5496203e164869867ec1d32eb2715f - Portlet ID: 831c37468b3e4a759dd7cbdd9c910978